AmigaActive (514/2143)

From:Kevin Fairhurst
Date:6 May 2000 at 10:54:41
Subject:Cable Modems (was WarpUp/WarpOs)

On Fri, 05 May 2000 21:42:58 +0100, Simon Preston ( wrote:
> > Sometimes. I've just recieved a phone call on it about cable modems. Yes,
> > that's right, I could have a cable modem installed on May 26th! And I
> > turned them down ... as soon as I mentioned "amiga" it was all different
> > anyway! Well, you know how it is ....
> Different? How is it different? Anyway, tell us more on how you could have
> cable modem on May 26th (2015).

I'm with Telewest, and registered an interest in Cable Modems. They phoned
up yesterday saying I could have it installed in three weeks time. I asked
if Cable Internet were able to provice a better service for HSI (High Speed
Internet) given that they can't organise a dial-up service properly. "Oh of
course, all those problems are solved now" was her reply, and my next reply
isn't printable.

I let her try and talk me into it for abotu ten minutes before asking if it
would work on my Amiga ... she changed her tune straight away, and I
started trying to get her to sell it to me. You should have heard her
back-track! My what fun. "But I have a PC too but i'll really only want
it for the Amiga" etc. etc. ....

Ahem. Anyway, I don't plan to be living here in twelve months time, and
you HAVE to sign up for a minimum 12 month contract. So I turned them
down. However, I have a number to call should I change my mind ;-)

And £50 installation for a bloke to run a bit of wire up the stairs? Ha!
You _are_ kidding, right?


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 56332267, redver5 on AIM

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